HomeNewsNews​Launch of the Global Education Innovation Award

​Launch of the Global Education Innovation Award

Global Education Network Europe is launching the Global Education Innovation Award on 1 May, 2017

GENE – Global Education Network Europe – wishes to recognise the importance of innovation in Global Education through its Global Education Innovation Award. The award is intended to benefit Global Education projects that bring about positive change and opens peoples’ eyes and minds to the realities of the world, locally and globally. It promotes Global Education initiatives that can bring about this change through creativity, participation, direct action, synergies and innovation, and to ultimately inspire public policy.

The purpose of the Award is to highlight and support innovative Global Education initiatives in Europe that are either ongoing or that have been recently finalised (in 2017) with a clear follow up; and to collect examples of innovative practice and disseminate learning from Global Education initiatives to policymakers throughout Europe.

Organisations and other legally based institutions that run inspiring Global Education initiatives in Europe are welcome to apply. The five most innovative initiatives will be awarded 10.000 Euro. And, 20-25 initiatives will be recognised through a publication.

The application process is opened since 1 May and the award’s deadline is 31 July 2017.

For more information on the award and on how to apply: www.gene.eu/award

About the organisers:

GENE is a network of Ministries and Agencies and other bodies with national responsibility for Global Education funding and policy in European countries. GENE undertakes Peer Reviews of Global Education policy, funding and practice in European countries for the purpose of increasing and improving provision, quality and outcomes.

Press contact:

Ditta Trindade, ditta.dolejsiova@gene.eu

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