HomeNewsNewsEAICY General Assembly in Prague 2022

EAICY General Assembly in Prague 2022

On May 17, 2022, the European Association of Institutions of Non-Formal Education of Children and Youth (EAICY) held its General Assembly in Prague, Czech Republic. The event, which was hosted by the House of Children and Youth of the Capital of Prague, brought together members from across Europe to discuss the association’s ongoing initiatives and to make important decisions for its future.

The General Assembly began with a presentation of the EAICY activity report for the last three years by the association’s President, Mr. Valdas Jankauskas. The report highlighted the progress that the association has made over the past three years, including the development of new programs and initiatives aimed at improving the education of children and youth in Europe. The control commission also presented its report, providing attendees with a comprehensive overview of the association’s recent activities and financial situation.

One of the most significant events of the General Assembly was the election of the new presidium and control commission members for 2021-2023. The newly elected presidium members then elected Mr. Levan Dvali as the new President of EAICY. Mr. Dvali, who has been a long-time member of the association and has served on the presidium in the past, is expected to lead EAICY to new heights in the coming years.

The General Assembly also marked a significant change for the association, as it was announced that the temporary office of EAICY will be moving to the National Youth and Children’s Palace in Tbilisi, Georgia. This move is in line with the association’s goal of expanding its presence in the region and increasing its impact on the education of children and youth in Europe.

In addition to the election of new leadership and the decision to move the office, the General Assembly also saw the acceptance of two new individual members, Ms. Nare Aramyan and Ms. Michaela Tuzilova. The presence of these highly-respected individuals within the association will bring valuable expertise and experience to EAICY as it continues its mission to improve the education of children and youth in Europe.

Overall, the General Assembly of EAICY was a productive and successful event that brought together members from across Europe to discuss the association’s ongoing initiatives and to make important decisions for its future. The new leadership, office move, and addition of new members will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the association and its mission.

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