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How do we educate our future leaders today: emotional intelligence vs. artificial intelligence

International Conference „How do we educate our future leaders today: emotional intelligence vs. artificial intelligence“

Take place:

  • 2018 on Monday, 1 October
  • Radisson Blue Hotel Lietuva, Konstitucijos ave. 20, LT-09308 Vilnius

About the conference:

Today’s world has become so tied together that only a person with leadership qualities can meet and overcome its challenges. Leadership is an engine for future growth, leading to better results in all areas. The research confirms that it is not enough for a leader to have only developed vocational skills, it is necessary to have appropriate social and emotional competences, and a right approach to innovation and its development.

The Lithuanian Children and Youth Centre invites to an exclusive international conference, the main objective of which is to review and clearly realise the importance of social and emotional learning, to understand the technological progress and its importance in everyday life, to present specific methods for planning of changes and achieving them personally as well as in educational institutions to enable modern youth to take active leadership.

All of the above will take place on 1st October, 2018 in Radisson Sas Blue.

The Programme of the Conference / Программа конференции

Advancing quality and opportunity in non-formal education


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